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Found 2 results

  1. On https://www.inwx.de, Enpass is unable to fill out the form hidden behind the login button in the top right corner and it does not offer to save a Webform either. The element IDs in question are "usern" and "pword". I also tried Bitwarden, which had no trouble filling out those fields. There is another, dedicated login page at https://www.inwx.de/customer/login, which is fully compatible with Enpass, despite using the same ID and name for its fields. This occurred on both Windows 10 and Fedora 33 with Firefox 85.0.1.
  2. The application should be able to handle Form- / Template-Changes for already stored Data Entries e.g. Passwords. An example when using the Password Form/Template and I make change to that Form e.g. adding new fields, then this new template should be applied to all existing Entries with the Password form without loosing data. This new field should be available for all, already stored Data based on the Form "Password" without loosing existing data. That would be an hug benefit to this Application. Actually I have to update all record manually and enter the new fields. May be this requirement could be added to the Road Map of this product and will be available very soon. Thanks developing this for us users.
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