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Found 6 results

  1. Over the course of > 10 years, I now have more than 10 old passwords for many login items (right mouse click on password field, history) that are never used anymore but still use storage. To keep the vault as small and tidy as possible for fast syncing (vault is now 2.4MB), I would like to see an option to quickly delete old and unused passwords. It is possible to delete the password field and recreate the field by copying the current password, but that should be easier. Perhaps if you right-click on a password field there will be an option to delete old passwords and perhaps keep the newest 2 or 3. Something along those lines? Or that it is adjustable how many passwords you want to keep?
  2. Hi, thank you for the opportunity of give my suggestion. I miss password history in each entry. Already we have a global password history, but it is necessary to have individual password history for review last password used in a site or app.
  3. Hello, I'm pretty new to Enpass, coming from Keepass. Now I searched for an History function and found out that Enpass should have such an functionality as well. In the release notes from the forum I have read that this should show up after you change any field (except the notice field). But I cant see this anywhere. Is this a bug or wasthe feature removed? I use the Win32 app for Windows and have a Enpass Pro licence. Greetings, Nico
  4. Hello, I have Enpass Desktop 6.02 (I am still evaluating it). I changed the password of an existing entry and saved it. Then i wanted to see the password history (a very comfortable feature of KeePass) but I did not see it. So is there no password history existing or am I too stupid to find it? Best regards OLLI
  5. Hi Enpass Team, I recently switched from Keepass to Enpass. I imported all my data, but I lost history. It would be nice if the history of the Keepass was imported too. The informations are in the XML file, so I guess it's doable. Thx!
  6. Hi Enpass Team, currently, AFAIK, only the fields with type "password" are historized. But there is sometimes important informations in other type of fields that you may want to keep in case you need them. I think all fields should be historized (like Keepass). Also, I would suggest an UX improvement on the way history is currently displayed. The current popover doesn't help to know the state of the different fields. I mean, with multiple password fields, it would be hard to know which version of field1 goes with a specific version of field2. I used to dev a web frontend for kdbx files. If you have time, have a look at how I implemented history navigation, I think it is a better experience: URL: http://web.ledisez.net/CloudKeePass/ KDBX File: http://web.ledisez.net/Test.kdbx Passphrase: azerty Select the "Bank Web Account 1" password and navigate with the date on the bottom right. Thx!
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