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Found 2 results

  1. Hi there, I am running into some form issues since the last update in all browsers that have the enpass extension activated. When trying to fill a form (here a form to add a subdomain in a server software called LiveConfig) I have one input and two dropdown fields. As soon as I set the focus on the input field I am no longer able to use the dropdowns. When clicking on them the focus immediately goes back to the input field. When the extension is deactivated everything is working as expected. This is also happening on Windows machines. Please provide a fix for this. Thanks!
  2. Hello, Enpassians! Recently, we have been informed about the Enpass Inline autofill functionality issue. Users cannot select fields/dropdown in ServiceNow and other Google websites e.g. https://www.servicenow.com/, for this user had to block the particular URL and then use the inline menu functionality. Our development team is already aware of the bug in Enpass, and after thorough testing, we are happy to announce that a fix will be added to the next Enpass release. We appreciate the time you took to report this bug.
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