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Found 3 results

  1. When I export my vault items to CSV, the resulting export file does not include or reference the files I've uploaded to several of my saved items using the "Add File" button. How do I include them?
  2. I'm trying to export my password but the Enpass app crashes after 5-6 seconds when the export process starts. I was able to export my data ONLY in .txt form but cannot do so in .csv or .json format. I'm using Windows 10, desktop app version is (traditional windows app) 6.5.1 (723). Kindly push an update ASAP. How can you get this very basic feature wrong?!? Regards
  3. Hello, I'm Bitwarden user since several months ago, my first Password Manager was LastPass, then I migrated to Bitwarden because is OpenSource and auditable. Before all this, I was a licensed user of Enpass in Android, but I didn't use it because it lack by the time, of a lot of important features for me. Recently I just read about the latest Enpass version (6), and I wanted to give it a try, again. So I just gone over my Bitwarden export tool and exported all the data in CSV format, (Bitwarden can export data in .json format too), there were exported over 500 of several kind items. Then I used the Enpass desktop application to import the CSV file. It took a couple of minutes to read the file and parse the data, but it shown that there were just 61 items, when I have more than 500. So, obviously the import tool doesn't work as expected for Bitwarden, and for me it is a bad start, again, for Enpass. I hope this app get better anytime in the future, because since my first contact with it, I just had have a bad experience with this app. Best regards,
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