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Found 1 result

  1. vampyren

    Macro bug

    Hi, Found another annoying bug! IT only happens in Enpass too. I did not report it earlier but its getting more annoying by the day since i sign up to several sites as of late. I have a Logitech G915 keyboard where i have set a macro for one of the keys called G1. When i press this G1 it will type my email where ever i am, be it on the web, in a word file or any other program. But for some reason in Enpass in the Email field or any field for that matter when i press the G1 it will type vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv instead of my email. The number of characters matches the email exactly but the result is just the first letter of my email typed like that. Why is Enapass the only program behaving different from everything else? ps. i even added a delay before typing the macro but no help. Please fix this.
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