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  1. Cool, then we can close this. I think i will move to OneDrive for both devices as primary now
  2. ahh thanks i missed that. Ok so atleast if the sync dissapears it should work from local copy then. Good to know. Thanks.
  3. Yes that was what i was thinking but i see the usecase with segregated vaults also. How do you do the copy/move ? i had to export from primary to a file and use the "Backup File" for the new Vault to move the items there. Is there another way? Still i do see a usecase for having multiple vault for the same data as data backup protection. Say my iCloud account somehow gets hacked or i cant access it i want to have a additional sync up and running. Maybe users could choose between that and segregated vaults. I understand the oath-based argument but without going into deep discussion i just want to use iOS stuff on my iPhone and thats it. Thanks for the help.
  4. Hi, You sort of understood it but not fully. To start with yes my primary vault is iCloud on windows. I added secondary vault also on windows and assume all the data from primary would be also updated on secondary. So then on my android i added the secondary from the Windows (on OneDrive). So the question is how can i have 2 vault with the same data? I want to use iCloud for some devices and OneDrive for other. I dont want to have iCloud on Android as it works really bad plus i want to use OneDrive there. Is this doable? I still dont understand why i can add multiple vaults when data is not backed up there from my Primary?
  5. Hi I have been using IPhone with iCloud vault but recently purchased an Android and wanted to have another vault in OneDrive so I can sync with that for my Android but the problem is that nothing is added to this new vault. It sync without issue but there is zero items. Don't see what else I can do? Does it not work to have more than 1 vault?
  6. Thanks. The macro problem is really old though so please dont just dont say we look into it. Thanks!
  7. Hi, I have 2 very annoying bugs that i hope you can fix. I been waiting a long time but so far they have not been fixed. 1) When i close enpass by pressing the X on the app or select close from taskbar it flashes and wants me to authenticate. This is very annoying. I show this in the clip i attach. Rename the file to IMG_1124 .mov (could not upload with .mov extention, this needs to be changed as well) 2) Using Macro on my Logitech G915 does not work in Enpass. And this is the only program that does not work with macro. I use my macro keys for simple email and numbers i use often but in Enpass it comes out as "vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv". IT works perfectly fine on websites and evey program i use so this is Enpass bug! Please fix it. I use the latest version of windows 10 x64 + all patches + the latest Enpass v6.6.1 (804) Hope you can look into these issues. IMG_1124 .plist
  8. Ok thanks, will contact the app developer to let them know.
  9. To add i hear from a friend that it works on Android so why not iOS? Sure different platform but they must have defined it if it works on Android.
  10. Thanks for the update. I thought they were fixing it. And i dont get why the look up cant use something simple as app name and/or the name i have given to it??? There are really many ways to do it.
  11. Hi @Pratyush Sharma Any update on this? it still does not work with the latest version 6.6.2!
  12. vampyren

    Macro bug

    Thanks! This is on a windows 10 (latest patch v2004). Enpas also latest version 6.5.2. I has never worked really with the macro key but got really annoyed now so i reported it. Also since this is the only program it fails to work in.
  13. vampyren

    Macro bug

    Hi, Found another annoying bug! IT only happens in Enpass too. I did not report it earlier but its getting more annoying by the day since i sign up to several sites as of late. I have a Logitech G915 keyboard where i have set a macro for one of the keys called G1. When i press this G1 it will type my email where ever i am, be it on the web, in a word file or any other program. But for some reason in Enpass in the Email field or any field for that matter when i press the G1 it will type vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv instead of my email. The number of characters matches the email exactly but the result is just the first letter of my email typed like that. Why is Enapass the only program behaving different from everything else? ps. i even added a delay before typing the macro but no help. Please fix this.
  14. Great that you can re-produce it. Looking forward to the fix.
  15. Hi, Its on iOS 14.1 (latest version) and latest Enpass 6.5.2.
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