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Found 1 result

  1. I use a Google Pixel 1 (Android 8). I have enabled Autofill Service and also "Fill logins in apps and websites". What works: Filling apps: in some apps, I see a little message "Password will be provided to this app" with the app name and my account name (as it is saved in Enpass). Adding from new apps: Also, in some apps, if the app is not known by Enpass yet, after I unlock Enpass and login to the app manually, Enpass asks me to save it to Enpass. In Chrome, I only get the notification message "touch to autofill" and only if the site/account is already in Enpass, it will autofill. What does definitely not work: In Chrome, I never get a similar option like metioned in (1) , but I do get the notification message "Touch to autofill". In Chrome, I have never been able to actually save new accounts/passwords to Enpass, after using "Touch to autofill". What is the expected behavior of Enpass in Chrome on Android 8? If I cannot add anything to Enpass via Chrome, how will it ever be able to autofill? Adding manually is cumbersome and actually prone to errors, since I don't know the exact URL identifier. Also I do not have a personal desktop or laptop (only one for business which I hardly use for personal stuff, also does not allow me to install Enpass). The keyboard is not really an option. If I have to choose between a good black keyboard and no autofill (current situation) or a white one with less good typing experience, it is an easy choice, since I use the keyboard much more than autofill. EDIT: I purchased Enpass during the holiday sale in December.
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