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Found 2 results

  1. On the Linux version of Enpass, when generating a new password, the "Fill" button re-generates the password when clicking it, before going back to the main view for that entry. For example, I may be generating a password for an account with a particularly onerous maximum length requirement (which sadly seem to be the norm among many financial and insurance institutions) and wish to use a generation strategy that includes words. In this case I may need to roll through several generated password options until one appears that meets the length requirement I'm targeting. If I then press "fill" to populate the password field on the entry from the password generation pop-up, the password changes as if I had pressed the re-generate button (the looped arrow) button again, and the new password (which could be any length, and I didn't see) is populated into the password field instead of the password I was looking at when I clicked the "Fill" button. I've verified that this behavior is not present in the Windows Store version of Enpass I have installed on another computer. Relevant information OS: Pop!OS 20.10 (basically Ubuntu 20.10, installed via apt) 64-bit Enpass version: I'm happy to do troubleshooting or additional reproduction steps if necessary.
  2. I would like to see a "reset to default" button in the recipe section of the password generator. I always forget the default settings. It would also be nice if you could set your own default settings. Thanks in advance.
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