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Found 2 results

  1. I installed enpass using apt-get, saved some passwords. I can copy and paste within enpass itself (i.e. if I copy the password and paste it into comments box of enpass itself, it pastes OK). The copied data doesn't 'leave' enpass though, if I paste into a terminal window, the previously present clipboard content is available, enpass one is not. If I use Ctrl-C of visible content in enpass (anything but using the copy icon), this works fine. I short, the tool is not working. I installed xclip, as some posts suggested to no avail.
  2. Hi, I have been testing Enpass on ios and osx and am really impressed. I am ready to switch from my current password manager I would like to make a feature request that I find really helpful with my existing ios password manager (pwsafe). Its a 'smart' clipboard feature that allows fast entering of password and username into another app and it works like this. User case: When I need to copy both the password and username to paste into another ios app (not safari). How it works in pwsafe: Open pwsafe app select password to copy go to other app (ex. paypal app) paste password flip phone upside down and the username gets copied to the clipboard paste username into paypal app without having to switch back to the pwsafe app This feature is awesome and a big time saver and I think this feature would definitely improve the workflow on all mobile platforms.
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