I got a problem about restore my backup. I try to restore my backup file from desktop client(mac os), here is the steps:
1. Settings -> Auto Backups -> choose the last auto backup file from Previous Backups, try to restore.
2. click [Continue]. input the password and restore successfully. util this step. everything is fine.
3. then Enpass tell me, I need activate, (that's confusing, before i restored, I have activated Enpass to pro already)
4. so, I have to activated Enpass again. and try to sync data to my iCould, when i click sync, all the items is gone. seems Enpass use the remote data merge to local, but remote data is empty.( the respect result is sync my local data to remote, at least should ask me before try merge my local data, just like git, let me choose how to merge)
so, I just want to restore my local backup file and sync to iCould. what should i do? please help me, all my important data in backup file.