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Found 1 result

  1. My config is the following: [nas running seafile with webdav extension] + nginx https letsencrypt as reverse proxy --> the world Syncing my desktop client (archlinux x64) works fine, no problem at all. But when it comes to android here I do have a (big) problem. The first sync is correctly done, my db is on the phone. But after that, every time I open Enpass I got an error -119 couldn't connect to cloud service. Of course, my nas and seafile are up and running because I can access them. So I tried to look into logcat and I found the following issue: W/HttpMethodBase(1735): Cookie rejected: "$Version=0; __cfduid=$TOKEN; $Path=/; $Domain=.MYDOMAIN.eu". Illegal domain attribute ".MYDOMAIN.eu". Domain of origin: "MYDOMAIN.eu" Strangely enough, if I try to setup the dav folder with Solid Explorer I can see the same problem on the logs. But if I try to mount the dav folder using total commander + webdav plugin then everything works fine. My guess is that there is a problem with the jakarta httpclient library because also with solid explorer I was getting the same error with the same user agent (3.1)
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