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Found 3 results

  1. I was entering my password to unlock the vault, got distracted, and returned back to the PC. The password field was still populated. It might be useful to auto-clear the input after a certain amount of time (like auto-locking the vault). (yes, i know, i should've locked the PC in the first place)
  2. Hello, I am relatively new to Enpass, I noticed, that after reboot, I can use the PIN to access my fault. How can this be secure? This means that the Masterpassword is stored locally on the flash memory. This and the fact, that there have never been an security audit for iOS really worries me. Can someone explain to me, how this might possibly secure? I have a feeling, that the reason, why there is no security audit is, that they know, that there is no way there application passes the audit.
  3. When I unlock enpass, the click sound it makes is too loud relative to the other system sounds and makes me flinch every time, especially if I'm wearing headphones. I'd very much like to be able to turn it down or even off. I'm on Linux Mint 17 if that matters.
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