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Found 1 result

  1. Inspired by the below discussion, I decided to pack up Enpass 6 into a AppImage for those who don't want to have to do all the work to get it on an unsupported distro like Gentoo, Void, etc. Just download it, mark it executable, and run it. I have yet to FULLY test it, but so far it works for me. I expect that auto-start on boot/log-in won't work yet, though. If there's enough interest in this, and Sinew isn't against it ( or better yet, hires me to maintain it officially ), I'll do more thorough testing and get auto-start working. DISCLAIMER and DISCLOSURE: This is an UNOFFICIAL package of Enpass 6 that I made for my self, and am releasing in hopes that others will find it useful. If Sinew asks me to, I will cease distribution. I have NO AFFILIATION with Sinew other than as one of their customers. Sinew is well within their rights to decline to support you while you use my package. You will still be bound by the same agreements and contracts with Sinew as if you were to use their official packages. I offer NO WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE, explicit or implied, in regards to this package; USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. Download Enpass- SHA256 Checksum: 9fbec3d581c94d81ded05ad2ade8d58d56198f6bfbc28ada8f0043b7ae5e18c4
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