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Found 3 results

  1. Hello, I try to use Enpass on a new HP Laptop with Windows 10 since Enpass Version 5.6, after the first Installation the Firefox Extension was working and connecting to the Enpass Application (Win32) but after a reboot it never works anymore (Enpass crashes when I try to start it). A few weeks later I retry now with Enpass 6 Win32 and then the Store Version with Firefox Extension --> No way to get it connected! After a lot of reading and searching I found this commands to check if the Enpass application is enabled: C:\Users\HrK>netstat -ano | findstr 10391 TCP ABHÖREN 9968 and: C:\Users\HrK>echo off & (for /f "tokens=5" %a in ('netstat -aon ^| findstr 10391') do tasklist /NH /FI "PID eq %a") & echo on Enpass.exe 9968 Console 4 134.204 K Seams to work. Next was to disable the "Sophos Home Antivirus" but even then the Extension was not able to Connect to the Win32 or Store Application (once I try to connect the Store Application were Installed so I do have hat both Version's Installed at the same time as I see in the System Tray two Enpass Applications?!) Even this to not help at all, so I install Google Chrome but here also the same issue, no way to get the Browser Extension to work! Until now it seams that Enpass is an traditional M$ Software because it just wastes my time --> personaly I use Linux since 10+ years and there Enpass works as it should be. Does anyone who have the same Issue already hav a fix for that beside use Linux?
  2. Hello Everyone I'm trying to import from my KeePass Database, but no matter which format I choose (*.csv, *.xml, *.html) and which encoding I use (UTF-8, ANSI) and which Enpass Version I use (Current release on Windows Store which I tried first or 32-Bit Beta Version which I tried after that) it always keeps saying "nothing to import". The Manual of Version 6.2 says it should be possible: https://www.enpass.io/docs/manual-desktop/import_keepass.html Can you guys help me? Kind regards Nick
  3. The only way I'm able to download enpass is through the Microsoft store. Why can't I reach the enpass website?
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