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Found 2 results

  1. Hello Enpass team, I'm waiting for Enpass 6 for Windows10 Mobile. But no beta released yet. You wrote on Blog: Here comes the Edge Extension for Enpass, and few changes along the way And you also wrote on Blog comment: Enpass for Windows: Which version should I use? Are these statements a lie? Sometimes other users asked questions about Enpass 6 for Windows 10 Mobile on blogs and Twitter, but there are no clear answers or continue to be ignored. It's too insincere. I know that Windows 10 Mobile have low share, but OS support is continuing. If Windows 10 Mobile does not have Enpass 6, it will be out of sync with other platforms. I invested in enpass for Windows Mobile support. You should keep the promise you wrote in the blog and support UWP users not to regret any single penny.
  2. I still use a Windows 10 Mobile phone, but I'm seeing that Enpass is not updating to match what the Windows10 app has. I know the Win10 app has been redesigned, but have you abandoned the Mobile app? I tried a restore, but the file is not recognized to select for a restore. Both apps are set to sync with OneDrive. The mobile app says it last synced May 21 and last attempted today. A manual sync does not remedy. Was OneDrive syncing stopped?
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