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Found 2 results

  1. Hello, Using the same enpass acount, and the same OneDrive Vault account, and using the most up to date versions of Enpass installed on two devices: 1) Android; 2) windows 7 desktop; It is not syncing properly. I've been using Enpass for many years and haven't had any issues. Currently my desktop has 145 logins; I click 'sync' and all appears to be working. no error messages. Currently my android has 143 logins; I click 'sync' and the missing 2 should "appear". But they don't. The desktop does not appear to be "pushing" to the cloud the two missing logins. Any help?
  2. I am using enpass with dropbox already a few years, at home (win10) and at work (win7). Now in win7, it is no longer recognizing the master password. Already in win10 it continues to run normally. Any idea? How do I clear the current configuration of the enpass, and reconfigure with the dropbox?
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