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Found 2 results

  1. Hi! First of all, Enpass is awesome and legen... wait for it... dary! At the login entries, there is a box with lines like this: Email johndoe@... Password ******** Strength Strong (or Weak or whatsoever) URL https://.... I think it would be nicer (and cleaner) if password strength appeared at the same line that password is. Near the little eye and the copy icons. It should be the whole word (similar to what is right now) or even an icon indicating password strength. Maybe something colorful like red for weak, yellow for fair, green for strong, blue for super strong etc. Please, see attached files.
  2. Hi everyone, on Enpass 5.5.6 (Linux) I noticed that the password generator uses exactly the configured number of characters per type (i.e. digits, uppers, symbols) and I found no way to specify an "At least #" logic. For example, using the default configuration the 18-chars password always has 3 digits, 5 uppers, 5 symbols (and 5 lowers, even if not stated), whereas I want it to have a minimum of 1 character per type, as required by most password policies out there. I would even deem this default configuration a security bug because by greatly reducing the cardinality of the password space you gives an obstinate cracker a sensible advantage. Is there a way to enable the "At least #" logic? May we expect a more robust password generator in the upcoming release?
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