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Cross platform licensing system

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I would like to switch to Enpass however I really do dislike the licensing system. Purchasing for each platform seems really messy and I don't want to have to purchase the app 3 times for every platform I use especially with Windows 10 because I use a local account and don't want to sign in with a Microsoft account.

Could a licensing system please be implemented, I would gladly pay £20-30 for a single license I can use across all my platforms. Or at least have a set amount of seats say for 5 devices.

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On 8/16/2019 at 2:08 PM, Hitman said:

With $30 you already have the license for all platforms. 10 for iOS, 10 for Android and 10 for Windows. Since they are lifetime and not restricted to the amount of devices (afaik), what more do you want?

The reason would be for say not wanting to have a Microsoft account associated with your Windows PC. I personally use a local account and I can't buy Enpass because of this. On Linux you get the full app for free because Enpass has no way to sell you the paid version. Enpass is losing out here and so am I because I can't give them my money. Same problem with all of the mobile apps (less of a problem though because even though I would prefer not to I do have my Google account associated with my Android phone).

Edited by zarielseeley
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