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Enpass Discussion Forum

Ubuntu 18.04


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Je ne parviens plus à utiliser Enpass depuis un petit moment (2 mois peut-être plus), suite à une mise à jours.

la version principale ne s'ouvre plus du tous.  la version beta ne parviens pas à communiquer avec l'extension de navigateur (j'utilise chrome)

Merci pour cette application très utile et efficace (quand elle fonctionne ^^)


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Hey @Charlie,

Sorry for the trouble you are going through.

Please drop us an email at support@enpass.io along with these details so that we can check where the problem could be.


  • Which Enpass and Enpass extension version are you using?
  • Which Chrome version are you using?
  • What error message or code are you getting when you click on Enpass extension icon?

Also, please run this command in the terminal and share the results:

  • lsof -i:10391

Where 10391 is the port number and if there is no output (blank), please try with other port numbers between 10391 to 10395.

Thanks for your co-operation.

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