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Enpass Discussion Forum

Add the support of URL Scheme


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It there has any URL Scheme to launch EnPass and perform actions on search behalf ?

Just like this workflow in 1password: https://blog.agilebits.com/2015/02/03/community-goodie-workflow-chrome-for-ios-1password/

And the URL Scheme in 1pass and last pass:

  • 1Password:  Onepassword://search/{DomainVariable}
  • LastPass:     lastpass://search/{TextVariable}
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  • 5 years later...

Well... it looks like `encase://` is still supported, though it doesn't appear to support any parameters anymore for some reason. I'm assuming - as per this doc - that it used to use UUIDs as parameters for credential items and just... doesn't now, which is super unfortunate.

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