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Enpass Discussion Forum

Please include time stamps with each update


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I like Enpass and the fact that you include a changelog with each release, but can you please include the date of the release with each update of Enpass so we and potential customers can see that Enpass is indeed being actively developed. This will encourage more users to use your product because to be honest the fact I had to ask if windows universal was being developed because no time stamp was included with the changelog, it made it very discouraging.

Please let me know your thoughts and if this is something your willing to do.


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On ‎7‎/‎27‎/‎2017 at 7:48 AM, Akash Vyas said:

Hi @wizkid

Thanks for liking Enpass. You can peep into the platform specific release-history of Enpass from the Downloads page on our website. 


The download page doesn't include Windows Universal. Can you please update the page to include it so we have a changelog just like the other versions do?

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Guest Akash Vyas

Hi @wizkid

Please note that the release notes for Windows UWP version is same as the release notes mentioned in the Enpass for Windows here and the release notes for Chromebooks is same for the release notes for Android here.   

Hope this answers your query.


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