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Enpass Discussion Forum

Onedrive Folder storage


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I use OneDrive to sync my Enpass data. In OneDrive, I have three Enpass folders. One folder is in the root folder of OneDrive, the others are in OneDrive/Apps, labeled Enpass and Enpass 1.

Why do I have so many folders? I've been using Enpass for quite a while now, so I assume a folder or two are leftovers from previous generations. What can I do to clean it up?


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Hi @hoovy,

Welcome to the forums!

When you sync with OneDrive, the latest Enpass data synced in OneDrive/Apps folder only, as you mentioned, you had used an earlier version also so maybe the Enpass folder you see in root is a data of previous versions of Enpass. If you want, you can remove the Enpass root folder from OneDrive.

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