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Enpass portable for ext4 in linux install issue

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Enpass portable for ext4 in linux install issue

Hello, I can't open portable version for Linux, I am on Ubuntu and I'm looking for a portable version solution for passwords because I have double boot with Wndows 10 and I intend to use in other computers, thanks =)


fran@earendil-light:/media/fran$ ls -l ./USB\ EXT4/
total 1512
drwxrwxrwx  3 fran fran    4096 mai   24 14:35 bin
-rwxrwxrwx  1 fran fran   13223 juin   8  2016 EnpassPortable
-rwxrwxrwx  1 fran fran 1498648 juin  15 08:45 Getting_Started.pdf
drwxrwxrwx  3 fran fran    4096 avril 25 14:23 libs
drwxrwxrwx  2 fran fran   16384 sept. 10 12:04 lost+found
drwxrwxrwx 11 fran fran    4096 oct.  14  2016 plugins
-rwxrwxrwx  1 fran fran     202 sept. 22  2016 Windows and Mac.txt

fran@earendil-light:/media/fran$ sh ./USB\ EXT4/EnpassPortable
./USB EXT4/EnpassPortable: 1: ./USB EXT4/EnpassPortable: Syntax error: "(" unexpected


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I also tried installing VeraCrypt for same purpose and experienced same issue:

How to install Veracrypt onto USB

I'm not in informatics but my conclusion is that Windows has a bug that allows to run non bootable programs from USB. They might fix it one day.

So safer would be if you created the portable version for all systems in bootable persistent way, same way as an external disk checker.

I'm not going to try more, for this is too complicated for me. I also know partition can be made bootable, maybe they are primary ones... well no idea. Good luck =)

Going back to solution, I need a file I can move and save in an external USB for when my computer will crash =) that's more simple as a question ?

I'll also use the cloud. Something else I need safe storage also for bills about online programs or images I bought, and the how to of website access/installation since we have many links from the cpanel, wordpress admin, host subscription, host where you see the home, domain admin, photo album directory, photo album from inside, other programs on other subdirectories on same host, widgets access, etc... that's a second question.

(Some information about my architecture: double boot Windows /Ubuntu linux and one day I'll have a smartphone... and one day I might study or have to use MAC.)

Edited by waterreedshimmer
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