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Enpass Discussion Forum

Masterpassword input not handling compose key correctly


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I am running Enpass on various machines, which either have a german keyboard layout, or an english one. As a german user, historically my masterpassword contains an Umlaut like `ä`.
Before Enpass 6 this was not an issue, as I was able to generate the Umlaut by using the Ubuntu Compose-Key. This is a straightforward mechanic, holding the compose key down, pressing `"`, then `a` and I would receive an `ä`.

Since the update to version 6, enpass will print a character into the masterpassword field, in the middle of the process when pressing `"`, instead of "waiting" for the following input like any textfield I am using on my machine (even the terminal). I obviously do not see the character that is pasted into the field, but I figure it would be an `"`.

My current workaround is typing the `ä` somewhere else and pasting it with CTRL+V into my masterpassword when needed, which kinda disrupts the whole process.



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