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Everything posted by mike4president

  1. As the opener of this post I did solve my problem by leaving Enpass. I am now using the iCloud keychane which is (yes) missing quite a few features but is very convenient to use and very well implemented in the Apple ecosystem. It might not be the right solution for everyone but it is for me. I also am now using the mask mail feature from iCloud for every service. It took my quite some time to change this but now have a bit peace of mind. I absolutely agree to what Discordant wrote. Adding aliases doesn't help to protect your privacy if you look into the advanced headers of a mail. Convenience always wins so I believe it is not the question if such a feature should be implemented into Enpass but when. Maybe I am going to return to Enpass later again. 1Password is not an option for me since they chose Electron to develop their new App for macOS.
  2. Thank you for forwarding my request. Of course I understand. But it would not be necessary do add an extra paid service. You could use the iCloud "Hide my Email" feature or offer something similar yourself like duckduckgo is going to. https://spreadprivacy.com/introducing-email-protection-beta/
  3. 1Password just recently announced masked E-Mail support using fastmail. Do you have something similar planned?
  4. Hi 1Password offers a feature called Watchtower. That points out stored logins where 2FA is available but not used yet. Any change you are going to integrate that as well? I would like to know when a website offers 2FA which I don't use yet. I would like to check all my logins at once. https://twofactorauth.org Thanks Mike
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