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Everything posted by ch1r0x

  1. Hey @Garima Singh I just want to let you know that I resolved my issue by simply copying over all the relevant files from the other Linux host. Although I'm not any longer affected, probably someone should investigate the backup restore issue. Thanks for your help. Cheers
  2. Hi Garima, there are two additional devices (one laptop, one mobile phone) but for those the synchronization is working fine as already mentioned. The issue exists on a newly setup workstation on which I try to restore my data from a Dropbox account, but which fails with the very same error as in: https://discussion.enpass.io/index.php?/topic/20017-error-while-restoring-data-from-dropbox/&do=findComment&comment=37908 Laptop and workstation have exactly the same configuration. OS and Enpass versions I have mentioned in my prior comment, but it's Fedora 32, Enpass v6.4.1.643. And I'm not talking about synchronization, but a backup restore from a dropbox account. By the way, I do have a lifetime license. Cheers
  3. Hi all: I doubt that reinstalling Window solved the issue. I do face exactly the same problem but on a Linux host (Fedora 32). Syncing itself seems to be fine (got another Fedora based box which works and the sync on Android also works), but the backup restore seems to be broken. There is neither a firewall nor a proxy of any sort in the way. Latest version (v6.4.1.643) of Enpass is installed, operating system is also update to date.
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