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  1. I work as a maintainer in a relatively popular Linux distribution, Manjaro Linux. Currently Enpass is packaged only for .deb and .rpm based Linux distributions. I would like to package Enpass for Manjaro and include it our software repositories. This would require no action from Enpass team apart from consent, because I can simply convert the official .deb packages to our package format. No access to source code or anything like that is needed. However, the Enpass terms of use seem to prohibit redistribution. I tried to contact Enpass via the main page contact form, but there has been no response thusfar. What would be the proper channel to contact Enpass about this matter? I would imagine that Enpass team might agree to this suggestion, because this would be promoting Enpass to a new userbase and not circumventing it's business model in any way. Best regards, Matti Hyttinen
  2. This would very useful, because it would allow integrating enpass with gnome-keyring or kwallet on linux. It would be basically linux equilevant to windows hello support, because you could use biometrics to login and then automatically open your vault on login.
  3. On Linux, when the browser extension opens Enpass assistant dialog, it sets the xwindow property _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_NORMAL It should instead set the property _NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DIALOG Why does this matter? Many Linux window managers treat dialog windows differently from normal windows. If the dialog property is not set, the window manager can tile the window and move it away from under the cursor, which can cause the password dialog to instantly close as it loses focus. This happens at least on Xorg, I haven't tested it on Wayland yet.
  4. Glad to hear it is being worked on. =) Enpass is already perhaps the most polished password manager for linux and adding a cli client would make it trivial to implement a autotype feature for linux desktops.
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