Logged into Enpass today to get a password and, while scrolling down the entries, came across an icon that caught my eye. It was bright red and I didn't recognize it. When I selected it, it turned out to be an entry for Taobao. It had the website URL and that is all. Below the entry was the info that is was created yesterday and the last time it was modified was yesterday. I did not create this entry. Any ideas how this could happen? All other items in Enpass are either ones I've created or a couple that were Enpass samples and I haven't deleted, for one reason or another. Unless my copy of Enpass contacted the company yesterday and the Taobao entry was put there as some sort of an update, the fact that it showed up out of nowhere is very concerning. I have not had anything like this happen before in all the years I've been using Enpass so this bothers me quite a bit. I immediately deleted the entry but decided to check out Enpass support to see if I could find out anything more. Since there were no support topics that seemed to address my problem, I figured I'd post to the forum. I'm also sending an email via "contact us" on the web site but thought I might get a quicker response in the forum, anyway.