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Enpass Discussion Forum

Daniel B.

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  1. Thanks for the update. I can confirm the fix. I also can confirm that the domain matching feature does not work. I get only the item for the Firefox sync login.
  2. Hi @Garima Singh Thank you so much for taking care of this. Is there a bug report / ticket? Maybe I can provide something useful. Just let me know. Cheers, Daniel
  3. Hi, I have the exact same issue with Android 10 on a OnePlus 6 Firefox 80.1.2 (Build #2015761283) Enpass Here is a screencast: https://1drv.ms/v/s!AnZDDAK9zYn_gvt2dNw-4_EhBKLEIQ Must of the time it flickers up a short time and disappears again. There are some circumstances the overlay is visible as I would expect it but I can't reproduce this behavior because it seems pretty random to me. Would be great to get a fix for that
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