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About joshallen13

  • Birthday February 13

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  1. I'm experiencing this problem as well. Lifetime License owner here and forced to re-sign in. If there is a fix identified and available, why are we waiting for the next available update window? This seems to be a pretty substantial bug with UI experience. I would really like to see a patch put out now than wait for a bunch of updates to be bundled together. This has been incredibly annoying and disrupts my workflow and causes a lot of dips in turnaround time for others who count on me for things that are needed right away. Please release a patch before you anger your diehard customer base.
  2. I am a premium subscriber, but recently came across a deal for a lifetime subscription so I bought from your site with same email. How do I know my subscription will be moved to the lifetime one? Currently it does not show lifetime and only when my current one ends.
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