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Posts posted by sfatula

  1. There is a "web" version via docker. You can run docker on some host and use enpass within it. And then access via browser. But I didn't like it using that method. So, then I went for qemu-user-static and actually got Enpass running on a Pi. Just very slow emulating x86_64. Very very slow. So, in the end, gave up on Enpass and went to Kepassxc. It's a pain to migrate to anything so it's not for everyone. But I see people have been waiting for a Pi build since at least 2020 so very little hope. 

  2. He could, except he mentioned Raspberry PI. As I have one also, trying to find any way to access Enpass on that platform. I see other requests for it and I have chimed in there as well.

    I'd honestly take the normal app without browser integration added, at least I could copy and paste the passwords. The portable version does not work on Raspberry PI.

  3. Not really sure what details you are looking for. Wireguard puts me on the local LAN from remote spot, so am running that on iPhone SE 3rd gen. I can access anything at home, dozens of things via local (LAN) IP. I gave examples. Nextcloud is running on a Linux server. It has a LAN address, That is the address I am connecting to. I can ping it, I can ssh to it, I can SMB to it, I can ftp to it from the phone with wireguard on it. Nextcloud notes (via IOS app cloudnotes) work fine when remote as well. The nextcloud app also works fine when remote, I can see stuff, get stuff, upload stuff, etc.

    Wireguard allows you to split your network. Only stuff going to are routed to the home LAN. Anything else goes to normal cellular internet.

    What else are you specifically looking for? I suspect Enpass would work fine if it didn't decide (for what I believe to be no good reason) that I don't have internet! Which I do since every other app works.

  4. So.... has always worked before. No longer works. Here's the deal. My nextcloud is at my domain I won't list here, let's just say cloud.something.com, which resolves to my local ip where nextcloud resides, So, if I am local, it just connects of course. If I am remote, I use a vpn, and it always just worked of course. But no more. When on vpn and cellular, I get a message on the vault settings screen that simply says "Sync error followed by No internet connection". Every 15 seconds or so, the screen refreshes. And, meanwhile, requests are logged in the apache log for nextcloud. I see these for example:

    - - sfatulag3d1z 04/Jun/2022:00:01:46 -0500 "PROPFIND /remote.php" 207 /home/nextcloud/www/remote.php 68.468 4096 102.24%
    - - sfatulag3d1z 04/Jun/2022:00:02:16 -0500 "PROPFIND /remote.php" 207 /home/nextcloud/www/remote.php 49.883 4096 80.19%
    - - sfatulag3d1z 04/Jun/2022:00:02:16 -0500 "GET /ocs/v2.php?format=json" 304 /home/nextcloud/www/ocs/v2.php 93.371 2048 64.26%
    - - sfatulag3d1z 04/Jun/2022:00:02:16 -0500 "GET /ocs/v2.php?format=json" 200 /home/nextcloud/www/ocs/v2.php 117.872 2048 42.42%

    So, if I had no internet connection, I would have nothing logged. Meanwhile, I can run the nextcloud app, connects fine to remote nextcloud over vpn. I can run any app, all work fine. I can ssh into home using home local ip. I can browse files at home. I can print. I can ping any device on my network. I can use web interfaces on various devices I have. I can do dozens of things, all using local ips. But while enpass used to work on some previous version, now it simply says "No internet connection". Obviously I do have an internet connection else none of the examples given would work. So.... what changed with enpass, and, more importantly, what specific code determines that I have "No internet connection"? If I know that, perhaps we can figure this out.

  5. We have a local self hosted nextcloud. Let's say I don't really want or care about sync when I am not at home. So, enpass will sync when home, and, when I leave home, it will have no access to the local ip of the nextcloud server at home. It will fail to sync (of course). So, how does nextcloud react then? Will it continually try to sync to a 192.168. address and burn cellular data? Will it try once and figure out it can't connect? Something else?

    What I want to ensure is it isn't burning up cell data trying to connect to an IP that it can't connect to. Maybe I'm gone a week, don't want to burn up a lot of data.

    Now before you just say turn off cellular data for enpass.... At rare times, I may actually WANT to sync, and during those times, I might vpn in and then the local ip is reachable. Would it then retry? I guess I am wanting both cases, not to endlessly retry, but, do retry when network changes.

    And then it's possible I am sitting in a hotel. This is not cellular, and again, might be endlessly retrying to connect. Or, maybe it knows it will never connect to 192.168 addresses as they are reserved on the internet?

  6. One thing I miss from 1password is drag and drop. So, in 1password, I had it running via slide over and could drag and drop user and/or password into browser window or other app for those times when it worked when autofill might not. I found this easier than copy and paste.

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