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  1. Sorted now, dont know how its been resolved
  2. Now I seem to be getting auth.enpass.io/onedrive this site cant be reached but I am syncing onedrive ok with the onedrive app
  3. Installed enpass on a new sony android device When I start enpass the options are I am a new user or restore existing I choose restore existing I select onedrive put in my email and password for Microsoft and I get the message unable to restore data due to insufficient access rights please advise Thanks
  4. ok so I uninstalled everything disconnected app from Microsoft account deleted folders in onedrive rebooted both and now it works
  5. Hello I am running enpass desktop on WIn 10 Pro and Android 6.54.428, both say they are syncing to my onedrive with the folders enpass and enpass 1 but I have created a login password etc for amazon on my desktop version but it doesnt appear on my android device, I guess I am missing something simple here, any advice would be a help please, thanks
  6. I have download the app from windows store and installed but it wont run and I get the message below, I have 1. Uninstalled & reinstalled 2. Run as admin 3 Deleted all folders and reinstalled 4. Cleared everything enpass out of the registry 5 Followed the instructions to delete the enpass folders in Apps data 6 When I go to the enpass.exe and run as admin nothing happens And still it wont run, just downloaded another app to test from the store and thats ok So some help please on next steps Thank you
  7. Hi, you said 3. Inside the SinewSoftwareSystems.EnpassPasswordManager_fwdy0m65qb6h2 copy all the folder and paste them into other location. Which other location please
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