Thank you for answering!
Regarding the first Question:
Thank you! Good to know, that you will optimize Enpass for Apple Silicon (ARM)!
Regarding second Question:
I am talking about the Mac App Store Version, not the website version of Enpass! So, for macOS Catalina, everything seems to be fine, the Enpass folder with vault and backup folder was not visible in the personal Documents folder. So, it seems that there is a change in the macOS Version. Nevertheless, you are able to define, where to store the data: Right now, you are using the folder „Users/MyUserName/Library/Containers/in.sinew.Enpass-Desktop/Data/Documents“.
Can you maybe store it in the Data folder? Like „Users/MyUserName/Library/Containers/in.sinew.Enpass-Desktop/Data/“ or maybe „Users/MyUserName/Library/Containers/in.sinew.Enpass-Desktop/“ ? Or completely in other folders there? Because than it is not displayed in my personal Documents folder! Or could you at least discuss with Apple, if this is an issue and your folder should not be displayed inside the Users Documents folder?
Regarding the third Question:
I am using always the latest versions, like iOS 14.3, Enpass iOS App version 6.6.1 (528) on my iPhone XS. On my MacBook Air M1 the latest macOS version 11.1 and the latest version from the Mac App Store (6.5.2) 726.
It seems currently, that all vaults and their icons are not in sync. Vault 1 can have one icon and vault 2 can have icon 2 on my Mac (default icons). But on my iOS device, vault 1 can have icon 3 and vault 2 can have icon 4 (default icons). Similar to custom icons!
can you investigate and fix, please?