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  1. ad 1: Windows 11 ad 2: I dont know - I cant see any version in the Desktop App. But Auto Update is enabled so it should be the current one. Browser is Firefox 103.0.2 and Plugin is 6.8.0 ad 3: Cant remember, I think webiste ad 4: Not using the plugin in any other browser Thanks @Gulshan Dogra!
  2. Good evening, when I activate the Firefox Plugin and go to reddit.com and click the "Home" button which shows als subreddits and has the subreddit search function, the plugin considerably slows down the time until the dropdown list appears. Sometimes 1-2 seconds, sometimes more. In rare occurences Firefow also shows the "Enpass is slowing down Firefox" warning bar on top: Is this a known issue? Thanks Andreas
  3. Thank you Manish, if I maximize the Windows it really works. Interesting bug! Please fix this but for now the workaround of course is good THanks Andreas
  4. Hi there since I few days, I cannot edit or add entries in my Desktop Enpass. I click the EDIT Entry or the + Button but nothing happens. Restarting didnt help. What am I a doing wrong? I am running the latest version I think, at least automatic updates are enabled. I have a Premium License. Thanks Andreas
  5. Hi there is the beta program dead? I have seen no releases since more than a year. Is Enpass not developed anymore? Andreas
  6. Hi there in Windows there is the option that a certificate is appended to the masterpassword to unlock the vault. Does this also work with the iOS app? If so, how? Thanks Andreas
  7. I think this is a very good idea. Basically be able to say After x failed login attempts OR if code 1234 is entered either require the masterpassword again or - the a.bomb solution - disconnect from the source and delete the local copy of the vault. This would be a great feature because with FaceID, that you will be hacked is not really high chance but being forced to unlock the phone is. Andreas
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