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  1. Is there a reason the Enpass extension no longer functions for the Brave web browser?
  2. 6.6.1 (804) Thanks
  3. On which device (along with OS version and Enpass version) are you using? - Windows 10 Are you facing this problem when you fresh start the system or wake up from sleep mode or any other scenario? - Both Which cloud services are you using? - Google
  4. Enpass crashes almost every single day when I open the Windows desktop app. This only happens the first time I try. After this, it works for that day. Does anyone else have this issue? I send crash reports so please can an update be issued
  5. I understand the point of Enpass is to only have 1 password for everything but the point of a TOTP in theory is to require a second piece of information. I think Enpass should have the option to allow users to protect TOTP codes with a second, separate, master password so it can effectively function as an independent TOTP manager
  6. Please can I follow this question up? Thanks
  7. @Garima Singh
  8. bump
  9. The last Enpass audit was in 2018. Is there any plan to repeat this audit as it is coming up to 3 years without one Thanks
  10. Thanks. There is no crash report. I restarted my PC and this fixed the issue
  11. When adding a new item in the browser extension, using "+", the website field currently does NOT auto-populate with the current webaddress Please can this feature be added as most other Password managers offer this
  12. I have tried 6 times now to "Add file" to Enpass. Enpass on Windows 10 crashes every time I have tried. I have no issues adding a file on my Android phone. Any ideas why?
  13. Does Enpass intend to implement 2FA for itself as an second authentication method instead of Keychain It is much easier to use and is less risky as losing access to a 2FA is harder than a keychain
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