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  1. So, is it there a way to remove our account from this “Look me up by email” menu? Even if it’s by installing again Enpass and revoking the autorization on that page. Otherwise, if it is not possible, could you PLEASE reach Apple to find a fix for this? As a big company, I’m sure you have higher probabilities of being heard by Apple rather than ourselves. Thank you.
  2. Hi again! Have you found any solution to my problem? A problem you thankfully were aware of, and your team was investigating to find a resolution. It’s been almost 4 months after I wrote my last message, and I did as you said, I waited and tried to co-operate with you. But no one has put in touch with me since then. The issue is happening from 2019, and it is 2021, so at this point I have the feeling I’m going to have those files attached to my Apple ID FOREVER. Unless you manually remove it, I’m afraid there won’t be any other possible solution. Please, I beg you to solve my issue, I don’t want to have files permanently attached to my Apple ID even when I am no longer an Enpass customer. And please don’t lock the thread, I am willing to hear any possible explanation and co-operate to get it fixed. Thank you.
  3. Ok, thank you Pratyush, I will co-operate. I guess the only thing I can do for now, is to wait. This bug is happening, as you can see from the other threads, since 2019, and it is 2021, so that doesn’t make me very optimistic, but anyways, we’ll stay in touch to see if you can solve it as soon as possible. The only thing I ask you, moderators and team, is to not lock this thread like you did in other cases, because that doesn’t solve anything. Please leave this thread open so I can check the status of this issue from time to time, thank you.
  4. Hello, Many years ago, I installed Enpass on my mac. Afterwards, I stopped using it. I think it was on version 5 or maybe earlier. And probably made from another hard drive or another mac, not this one. Today, after a clean install, I saw this on my iCloud account (files) I tried to install, again, Enpass, create an account using my iCloud account, and then, as other thread suggested, deleting it activating the option "Also delete data from iCloud". However, this hasn’t deleted my file, the file is still there and I don’t know what to do in order to completely wipe the files of Enpass. A similar case was on this thread, but the thread was closed: Please, I need a solution. This is the caption of the file on iCloud:
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