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  1. Hi, I love enpass, but sometimes I'm slightly annoyed with the autofill. There are some credentials that has three or fields to fill in when logging in (excluding OTP), this usually doesn't work so well as it fills in the username field for all other fields. It would be nice to specify an element ID on a webpage to be filled in with a specific element within Enpass. Additionally, I use a lot of SSO, however, the login may vary from just a username to an email. I'd like to contain all of it within one item, however it will always fill in either the username or the email. Again, allowing me to specify and override the default autofill with element ID's for specific websites would resolve this issue as well. Thank you for Enpass, it truly is amazing to use 99% of the time!
  2. Hi, I'm absolutely loving Enpass so far, but I was wondering if it would be possible to make it easier to share passwords. Currently you have the amazing feature of allowing us to securely share a key between us and then encrypting passwords using that key. However, unless you select to share it as an email you get an ungodly long URL. However, if you do select the email option you receive a nice file. It would be nice to have the option of downloading the file without creating a blank email first on both mobile and desktop versions of Enpass. Both mobiles and PC's these days can let Enpass read the file without issue. Thank you.
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