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Enpass Discussion Forum

Jim Mitchell

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Jim Mitchell last won the day on February 2 2017

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  1. Which version of OS are you using on each of your devices? iPad: iOS 10.3.3 (14G60) iPhone: 11.0 (15A5341f) MacBook Pro: 10.12.6 (16G29) Which version of Enpass are you using in each of your devices? iPad and iPhone: 5.5.4 MacBook Pro: 5.5.8 (101) What error message/code are you getting while syncing? I get no error code Do the Last Sync and Last Attempt time stamps get updated? I believe so, yes. I can't reproduce it at will.
  2. Enpass and Dropbox interaction on iOS11 Beta Has anyone had an issue with all entries disappearing from Enpass on the iOS11 beta? If I disconnect Dropbox and reconnect, they all resync correctly, but you must disconnect Dropbox. Just hitting the sync button does nothing. Edit: It seems I am missing some entries. They are still there on the Mac OS app, but not on iOS. Also, this doesn't appear to be a dropbox specific issue. I switched to a WebDAV server and got the same results: missing entries.
  3. Websites are https://app.tutanota.de/#login and https://app.tutanota.com/#login. Forms expand as if it fills, but nothing is pasted into the username and password fields.
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