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  1. HI, I'm using Firefox 126.0.1 (64-bit) wirh enpass plugin on a Mac M1 running Sonoma 1.4.5. When I login to my bank account (https://banking.dkb.de/login) and try to login with clicking the Username field, the proper credentials from Enpass are shown from the plugin, but when I click this entry, the Username field stays empty and nothing happens. When I try a right click in the Username filed and select Enpass from the context-menu, and then the same entry, this works. I experience this problem on the DKB site only. Any hint, how to solve this on my side? Best Achim
  2. Hi @all, I stumbled over this thread today, because I'm bothered with this a long while now. I guess there are some updates since April, 27, but I still experience that on my MacBook Pro 2015 an 2020 with 12.1. Workaround helps, but it is still annoying. Anyone else? Best Achim
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