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  1. On my second screen, the enpass window come out of the screen when I call it from the chrome toolbar button. Maybe there is a problem with the management of different screen resolutions (retina + non-retina screens) ?
  2. Thank you @Eugene for your help. I did not succeed in using solution #1 (issuer before the secret) but the second solution (just secret key) worked!
  3. I exported my Enpass5 Vault to import it into Enpass6 Beta (187) and I have "Invalid TOTP Secret" for several entries (amazon, snapshat, dropbox, firefox, google...). What is it due to? What should I do ?
  4. Bibon

    Firefox Android

    Hello, I have been using Enpass for several months on Windows, MacOS, iOS and Android 7 with Chrome or Safari Since the release of the new Firefox, I would like to generalize its use on all my devices but it is not effective with Android. Indeed, the Enpass notifications do not work with Firefox Android and being French (sorry for my english), the Enpass QWERTY keyboard solution does not satisfy me ... Can we finally hope for an evolution on one of these features: an Enpass keyboard in AZERTY or an Enpass extension for Firefox Mobile ??
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