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  1. Reinstalling Enpass corrected my issue of not being able to add items. Thanks
  2. Hello Enpass! I just noticed that I am having same issue of not being about to add an item. All of the available item are grayed out. Since I do not do this regularly, I can't say if it was after an upgrade, etc. Please help, I am using macOS Monterey Enpass version: 6.8.0
  3. I have the same request and have submitted a request in past for this feature to be added. Thanks! Gary
  4. Enpass Search Feature which works great to tell me which ITEM my search results is located in but, it doesn't highlight the results. I keep numerous login/password lines in different ITEM entries due to the large number of login/passwords i need access to. Enpass will tell me the ITEM that contains my results but, when you are scrolling through 50 or 60 lines of login/password lines ( I keep each login/password on a separate line), it is hard to spot the login you are looking for and I end up scrolling up and down for considerable time looking for it. Especially when looking at a small smartphone display! Anyone else agree?
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