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  1. Happy Enpass user. Happy forum user now. Thanks to folks that un-firewalled my IP. I'm looking forward to using Enpass for many years. Bye-bye 1Password. It served me well for many many years, but they outgrew their britches.
  2. The popup thing was not done. In the extension’s settings for browser it was not clear that Safari was an actionable button leading to more. Especially as that was not required in Brave browser. Not sure about other browsers. This was probably covered in the manual. Right!? THANKS! Now to get me unfirewalled. I did submit a ticket yesterday.
  3. My IP is firewalled by by these forums. I’m now on my phones data plan. This sucks. And when I paste some URLs here I get “Forbidden”. One URL was this one.
  4. Downloaded from your site. Did a deep clean/fresh install. No good. Another deep clean then grabbed from the MacAppStore. No good. URLs? As I said, others have the same issue so there are myriad URLs. I suppose they're happy with clicking the extension icon. Or they use another browser. I will be coming from 1Password so expect it to just work. Nevertheless, I've tried to paste several URLs to this reply. The site gives a blank response, as if I typed nothing. I omitted the URLs and was able to reply.
  5. All is setup correctly. Happens on all sites. Asked on a "general use" Mac site. Others have reported as I have. They're OK with the extra steps but this may be a deal breaker for me. Works fine in Brave.
  6. New user here. Loving what I'm seeing. But I am not seeing the Safari Extension autofilling in any circumstance. If I click the extension itself the info appears and if I then choose the one I want it then fills the relevant fields just fine. But if I, for example, click on a login name field nothing pops up. In the extensions settings I have all the autofill options checked. macOS v12.3.1 / Safari v15.4 / Enpass v6.7.4 Surely I'me doing something wrong?
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