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Posts posted by KarlKaos

  1. Hi!

    I ran into a little problem:

    In my vault I have a login item for iZotope and a login item for Native Instruments. Native Instruments decided to buy iZotope and they made the login page pretty much similiar.


    https://auth.native-instruments.com/login?state=hKFo2SBuWEpLOVd5aE00STduVVF2SHR4eFN0LTY0U0xIZ2o0YqFupWxvZ2luo3RpZNkgTkNpSTRpRXZwQi1wblc0SlFuNG81OGx2NWdDNk1kOXmjY2lk2SBTT3BhbTZaTmJuT0tsc3VDNndVVDZPN1JLNm5nZ1pqZw&client=SOpam6ZNbnOKlsuC6wUT6O7RK6nggZjg&protocol=oauth2&audience=https%3A%2F%2Fapi.native-instruments.com&nonce=75472772fec9d6c1129fabeb2fc7ea61&lang=en&origin=Website&response_type=code&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.native-instruments.com%2Fauth%2Fcallback&scope=openid email profile



    https://auth.native-instruments.com/login?state=hKFo2SBtNF9KTXhDcXoxU3ZQSkxBMng0UVNaeWFnVjZyTkRNZKFupWxvZ2luo3RpZNkgQmg3Y25uakJhVnlTeUh6NWFBV24tRVNRa1puUlNsX2GjY2lk2SBBWlJ4dmt5ZzlVYm5BMGdMeTdSUVlGY1BjVm5LakFqRg&client=AZRxvkyg9UbnA0gLy7RQYFcPcVnKjAjF&protocol=oauth2&audience=https%3A%2F%2Fapi.native-instruments.com&nonce=a5acfff1841f295f74a5b9fe396352ac&origin=Website&response_type=code&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.izotope.com%2Fauth%2Fcallback&scope=openid email profile

    So now every time I try to use autofill to log in on the iZotope homepage, Enpass thinks it is the Native Instruments login.

    I tried copying the links into each item, but Enpass is still not able to identify correctly which item it needs to use.

    After copying the links it looks like this:


    Is there any way to fix this ?





  2. Hi!

    Mohit Thapa contacted me and gave me access to the 6.8.4 beta for Mac and I've been running that ever since on my iMac. A couple of days ago, I updated my macOS on my iMac and ran my MacBookPro that still had the old version 6.8.3 (maybe that is the reason the passwords changed again).

    So my passwords got changed again. I took a screenshot of the before and after changing them and I can confirm the passwords got reverted to the old ones. Again it is the same items that changed back to the old state, so I manually had to change all of them to be able to log back in.


  3. So I just checked and the passwords for Soundcloud and Ubisoft changed to a password that is only "good" and I can't log in any more, I have to reset the passwords again.


    As you can see there is no indicator that the passwords changed today.

  4. I think the issue is that it's rolling back to an old version of the stored stuff in the cloud, but I can't confirm yet. I took a screenshot of my old password and the new one, so if it actually rolls back to the old one I will know.

    1. macOS 12.6 ... Enpass 6.8.3 (1150)

    2. Mac App Store

    3. All I can say at this point is that some of my stored passwords all of a sudden won't work any more and I noticed them going from "excellent" to only "good" and I always make sure they are "excellent"

    4. Yes, I'm using my Google Drive

    5. It doesn't show anything went wrong

    6. It also occurs for other items in my vault ... So far I noticed it happening to these items. I first noticed it around Oct 8 and I changed the passwords and then yesterday I noticed the passwords aren't working any more for EA & Origin, Amplesound, PayPal, 2K (which apparently got breached 2 times recently). I have the feeling that my passwords reverted to an earlier version of the cloud, but I can't confirm it yet (I took screenshots to make sure if it happens again).


    7. Google Chrome (Version 106.0.5249.119 (Official Build) (x86_64)) with the Enpass Extention 6.8.0

  5. Hi!

    I am a little worried about my safety. Since probably 1 or 2 weeks the passwords in my vault seem to be changing without me doing anything. I tried logging in to my PayPal and the stored password doesn't work any more. I already reset my password 2 times now. I also noticed that some passwords went from "excellent" to only "good" without me actually changing them.

    Is this a known issue or does anyone else has access to my vault?



  6. Hi @Abhishek Dewan

    I'm using the Enpass app on macOS 12.4 the version of enpass is 6.7.4 (949) and the extension for Chrome. 

    Here is the web page of my bank https://www.sparkasse-neuss.de/de/home.html 

    It requires an "Anmeldenamen" and a "PIN" .

    But Enpass always autofills the items "Anmeldename" and "Password".

    In other Password Managers like bitwarden you can actually grab the field name from the html and make sure it autofills in the correct spots.

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