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Abhishek Dewan

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  1. Hi @Fred4 I would like to share that the option to change database location is only available for app downloaded from Enpass website. If you have downloaded Enpass from Mac/Windows store, it won’t be possible to change the database location.
  2. Hi @all We have escalated your request to our development team, and we want to apprise you that, after extensive testing and quality assurance across various operating systems and machines, we were unable to replicate the reported glitch or bug in Enpass. In light of this, we suggest updating or reinstalling Enpass, including the operating system. Should this issue resurface in the future, we will promptly update the forum. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused. #SI-3415
  3. Hi @Ivarson Thank you for informing the presence of this issue. I have shared it with the concerned team for further investigation. In the meantime, your patience is highly appreciated. #SI-3542
  4. Hi @Karrq Please share the version of the Enpass app and OS you are using and we will get this checked for you.
  5. Hi @sysfox Our dedicated team was able to reproduce the bug due to which this issue is occurring and they are working on fixing it. We will be sure to update this forum once a patch addressing this concern is released. Kindly bear with us until then.
  6. Hi @Slobino We appreciate you taking time and sharing your valuable suggestion regarding the option to prevent screenshots from the password manager. We have duly noted your feedback and shared it with our development team for future consideration. #SI-3566
  7. Hi @Slobino Our dedicated development team is aware of the request for this feature and that they have also investigated its feasibility. This feature request may be included in future Enpass releases even though we have not yet received any specific version updates. Your support and patience are greatly appreciated. #SI-3487
  8. Hi @Slobino Please share the below details with me and I'll get this checked for you - The version of the Enpass app and OS you are using. The total number of Vaults, Items and attachments you have saved in the Enpass app. Any cloud service you are using to synchronize the data.
  9. Hi @Slobino I have duly noted your feedback and shared it with out development team for further consideration and feasibility checks. I will also be sure to update this forum once I have more information on this case. Your patience in the meantime is greatly appreciated. #SI-3565
  10. Hi @paulsiu We were able to reproduce the bug on our end, due to which this issue is occurring, and a fix will be available for this concern in the future Enpass update. Kindly bear with us until then, and your cooperation in the meantime is appreciated.
  11. Hi @dynweb Upon a thorough discussion and investigation, we were able to reproduce the bug. Our development team is now working on fixing it as a priority, and a patch addressing this issue will be released soon. We appreciate your kind patience and cooperation in the interim.
  12. Hi @Ivarson I have duly noted your feedback and shared it with out development team for further consideration and feasibility checks. I will also be sure to update this forum once I have more information on this case. Your patience in the meantime is greatly appreciated. #SI-3564
  13. Hi @WolfgangN@WinterWren I have duly noted your feedback and shared it with out development team for further consideration and feasibility checks. I will also be sure to update this forum once I have more information on this case. Your patience in the meantime is greatly appreciated. #SI-3562
  14. Hi @dvb We have received your query on support@enpass.io and have already responded to the same. To avoid duplication of efforts and confusion, we request you to please revert to the same. We appreciate your understanding in this case.
  15. Hi @paulsiu Thank you for sharing the details. I have forwarded this concern to our dedicated team and they are investigating this concern on your behalf. As soon as I have any updates on this matter, I will be sure to notify you. Your patience in the meantime is greatly appreciated. #SI-3561
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