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  1. Thanks, Abhishek. Since iOS Enpass cannot connect to my Mac's wifi sync server, I tried copying the Enpass backup file from my Mac over to the iPhone via iTunes and using iOS Enpass to restore from that. However, going to Settings > Backup > On Device in iOS Enpass does not show any previous backups, so there's no Restore option.
  2. cEuiUWoaXH

    Copy vs. Sync?

    I've never been able to get WiFi Sync to work on my Mac. Even after upgrading my macOS (temporarily) to use version 6.8.0 (from version 6.7.4), which Enpass Support said would fix the problem, WiFi Sync was never able to find my sync server, either in auto or manual mode. I resorted to using sync via iCloud, which allowed me to get the Mac's data into Enpass on my iPhone. However, subsequent syncs via iCloud have resulted in outdated data from the iPhone being put back in to the data on my Mac. I remove the data from iCloud after each connection, but that doesn't help. So I've now resorted to copying the data of a new or changed password as text from my Mac, transferring the text file to my iPhone via iTunes, opening Enpass on the iPhone and manually copying & pasting the text data. Kind of a PITA. Since I never create or change passwords on my iPhone, I'm looking for a way to simply copy the Enpass data from my Mac to the iPhone -- without syncing the iPhone's outdated data back onto my Mac. This was easy to do via iTunes with 1Password. With Enpass, not so much. Any help is appreciated.
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