I bought a Pixel 6a about 1 month ago and Enpass has never worked properly. I always get the below message when trying to view/open a password through.
"Error: The item you are looking for has been deleted or moved to another vault. You should remove this shortcut from the Home screen ."
I am not trying to access the view the password from a shortcut on the Home screen so I'm not sure why this error thinks I am. My setup currently is Android 13, Enpass beta (same issue on the non beta version), Vault is on Google drive.
I contacted support 2 weeks ago but they aren't replying at all.
I have tried the following:
Deleting the app and reinstalling
Deleting the app, deleting the cache and reinstalling
Enrolling in the beta
Upgrading from android 12 to 13
Turning off sync with Google Drive
Turning on sync with Google Drive
"Delete everything" and reinstalling
What I can do is long press the password and copy username / password. But I am unable to open and view any other details. New passwords created work fine just anything from when I first installed Enpass doesn't work as it should.