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  1. @Mohit Thapa @wowa @kefa @Camwyn @janosch Do not know if this is related, i have the version 6.9.2 (1564) And since i upgraded my M2 Mac to Sonoma 14.2.1 (23C71) problem is not occurring anymore, might be an issue with the operating system. So up until now all is working fine again with no issues whatsoever
  2. No crash reports are being generated, I am guessing that it goes into some infinite loop, having a sort of a race condition in the code. So when it is forced quit, it still somehow closed gracefully. Might be a good idea to give an option to disable the auto sync when activating the app, and letting the user do it manually if he/she wants to. We are not adding passwords every minute, so this auto sync on activation is an overkill
  3. Hi @Abhishek Dewan I tried to do exactly like described below but it did not help I just noticed that if i unlock with the Touch and instead of going to an item, i am opening the settings at first, then closing it and choosing an item it is working fine. So i unlock the app with my finger, i go and press the cog wheel, close it and then i browse my tags, seems to work without being stuck. Also I noticed that it does not happen when i use the password instead of the PIN or the Touch, if I unlock the enpass with the master password then i can browse my tags freely, hope it helps to pinpoint the issue further. There was a setting of creating crash logs in old versions, it is removed now, so I do not see how i can share a crash report. It does not being created at all not when i force quit from the dock or from the "Activity Manager" process section Regards, Shlomi
  4. Hi @Abhishek Dewan @Rootbeer I just found out that if i do not use the pin or the finger to unlock but type the password each time it lock, it is working ok. Still, i am waiting for the explanation how to create a crash report Thanks in advance Shlomi
  5. Where will I find this crash report? I have changed settings to keep enpass active all the time (not a good practice) so i will not get it frozen. There is no logs or enable logs in advanced settings. Another weird thing happening sometimes, tags are being removed from certain records, mainly after a freeze, i need to reapply them all over again.
  6. Hi As it turned out this did not fix the issue, i am at a loss here, Enpass is not working properly only on this M2 Chip Macos Ventura computer. Is there an option to turn on the logs so i can send them?
  7. Hello 1. Enpass version is 6.9.0, the operating system is Macos Ventura 13.4 <acbook Pro M2 chip, the os is chrome (i am not using extensions for passwords) 2. The app freezes if i do not totally quit it, but rather open it again, authenticating using the finger print. (To fix this i force quite and login using the password, and that is also sometimes does not help) 3. I have around 180 items, i have 1 vault on google drive, no attachments. I have just granted full disk access to Enpass (made a quick 1 test and it did not freeze, need to check again in an hour after system sleeps and i reactivate the app again from sleep), might it be having issues updating local copy when reactivated? On my intel based macos ventura i do not have full disk access and it works fine thou. I will post here if it helped, but would love to know if others with M2 are having the same issues. Regards, Shlomi
  8. Hello, I bought this app some time back and have one vault saved on Google Drive. Whether I downloaded the app from the app store or the website, I consistently face an issue: the app freezes upon reopening. The problem doesn't arise if the app is not opened at all, but if it's already running and I use my fingerprint to log in, it becomes unresponsive. As a workaround, I deactivated the automatic check for new versions, which alleviated the issue slightly, but the problem persists intermittently. I also tried disabling the browser popup as suggested on the forums, but to no avail. Interestingly, when I use the app on another computer with Mac OS Ventura on an Intel chip, and on Windows as well, it operates smoothly. I'd appreciate any assistance to continue using this app without hitches.
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