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Posts posted by Captain_Eric

  1. On ‎9‎/‎22‎/‎2016 at 10:51 AM, Matteo said:

    @JB Labelle have you already tried rebooting your system?

    Thanks. Yea I did. When should I do it?

    Here's my error message (screen shot). A "manifest parsing error..." when I try to load the extension.

    Also, after going to "About:Flags", should I uncheck (or check) any of the other boxes?

    Thanks guys, I really appreciate and want to get this to work!



    2017_05_07 Enpass Manifest parsing error.PNG

  2. 7 hours ago, VinceMarsters said:

    In the select folder dialog you only see folders not files inside. Just navigate into the folder containing the extension and click select folder. Should work from there.

    Also are you sure you extracted the contents? Windows will open zip files as though they are folders within File Explorer.


    Thanks for getting back to me.

    But I can't even see the folders. The directory (Downloads) is entirely blank. No folders at all. (Though, again, I can see them in file explorer.) Weird.

    Any ideas?





  3. OK. I'm trying this for the first time. I am using Enpass 5.3.3. My problem:

    In Readme file it's says under step 7
    7. Navigate to the unzipped folder -> "enpass_edge_extension" and click "Select Folder" and complete the installation.

    However, when I go to the download folder (where I know the unzipped folder is because I can see it in file explorer), it's blank. Nothing is shown. So I can't "Select Folder"

    I'm on Surface Pro 3, running Windows 10 Release Preview 15063.250.

    I'm stumped. Any ideas?

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