Entering the Enpass Master Password did not work (I actually pointed this out in my original post).
What do I need to do to fix this?
One point: previously, before my reset of Windows 10, I used the Enpass version from your webpage. Now, after the reset of Windows, I've installed the Enpass from the Microsoft Store. Is that part of the issue?
(Entirely a side note: Why you have two or more app versions, and the pros and cons of each is entirely lost one me. What's more, your naming conventions are inconsistent for your Enpass App versions and inconsistent in your forum topics, so I am lost in trying to figure it out on my own. A big waste of time.. So unless you tell me otherwise, with good clear reasons why, with precise references to your apps as they appear on your download page, making it simple for a simple man like me, then I switch to your app from the Microsoft Store. Fair?)
Standing by.