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  1. @Abhishek DewanGoodmorning Any news for the above?
  2. Hello @Abhishek Dewan Enpass 6.9.1 and macOS 13.6 What do you mean "device details"
  3. Hello Same issue here. Just sent my email to support@enpass.io Any thoughts?
  4. @Abhishek DewanHello Unfortunately still nothing on this bug. Totally unacceptable! More on, additional web banking major sites are being affected (thus ALL users in Greece). You can also reproduce the bug to: Winbank and NBG Please respond asap Thank you
  5. Goodmorning. Any news on this?
  6. Extension version is 6.8.3 and luckily no other web pages cause problems.
  7. Hello all Under Ventura 13.2.1 and enpass 6.8.5, when visiting ebanking of one of the four largest Greek banks , extension freezes and I have to enter credentials manually. Quite anoying! Microsoft Edge Version 110.0.1587.57 My Enpass was downloaded from Apple store & database stores around 320 items, (around 1,5 mb) if that helps.
  8. Hi Garima and thank you for your reply All apps on all my platforms are updated and then disconnected from sync with OneDrive, but it seems i have another odd problem when i try to sync back: when Enpass call my browser (latest Chrome version) to login to Microsoft page, a couple of seconds later (and before i have the chance to provide username and password) the attached notification appears, and when i refer back to Enpass the sync is ofcourse still disconnected. I even tried to uninstall the browser enpass extension but it didn’t help I'm still a frustrated user
  9. Hi there A few days ago, all devices (mac & iPhones) keep asking for a OneDrive password (what?) "Password of data on OneDrive is required" Needless to say i have not changed my password Any thoughts? Enpass 6.4.0 and macOS 10.15.4 Thank you in advance
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